Aaron Elyachar
Aaron Elyachar
Hey Wildcats!!
My name is Aaron Elyachar. I am a freshman here at the U of A. I am looking forward to a great campaign season for ASUA. I am a Political Science major. Even though I am a freshman, I have been involved with many activities. Some of the activities include being an RHA Representative for Villa Del Puente Hall Council, the Pride of Arizona Marching and Pep Bands, ASUA and I recently went to the A-TOWN Social Justice conference. This spring break, I will be helping out families affected by Katrina in New Orleans.
There are many great things going on at the University of Arizona and my goal as a senator is to make sure that these initiatives and others to come up are run efficiently. Also, my goal is to have your voice heard about important issues going on affecting your education and college experience.
Some Platform ideas that I want to work on as a senator include undergraduate representation and retention, improvements to Safe Ride by working as a liaison to this program and sustainability.
) Undergraduate Involvement At University of Arizona (Leadership Development):
Overall Goal: To improve quality of Underclassmen Life at the U of A by improving the retention rate of underclassmen. Also, it is to engage students on education, in and out of the classroom. At the Senate Level, I am committed to being a student advocate for better appreciation for increasing the ways students get involved on campus. Also, I want to create a more centralized leadership development program throughout campus where eventually, every leadership program and cultural center on campus is involved. I want to hold a more structured leadership fair at orientation sessions and within the first four weeks of each semester. This fair would mainly target underclassmen but, this is also open to the entire student body.
Goals for this platform idea:
1) Increase student retention throughout their college careers.
2) Increase profiles of programs on campus such as ATLAS, BlueChip, Primus, Fraternities and Sororities, Freshman Class Council, Residence Hall Association, CSIL and cultural centers.
3) Work with ASUA to make sure that students are better represented.
4) Higher retention rate from freshmen to sophomore year (hopefully, 5% increase within three years. Currently, an average of 21% of students leave U of A between Year 1 and year 2).
2) Serving as a Liaison between Safe Ride and the Student Body:
Overall Goal: Help communicate the improvements and developments of Safe Ride between the student body and the Safe Ride Administration to ensure that the specific needs of the student body are being met. I, as a senator, will work, as a liaison to Safe Ride to figure out the students needs about transportation and how to get around on campus. I hope to also go to the student body and conduct surveys to make sure that the student’s needs are met. I will help Safe Ride by seeing what people want and creating a stronger partnership with them. As a senator, I will also communicate with the directors of Safe Ride every two weeks and make sure that the programs are being very effective. The safety of students and faculty here are greatly considered.
3) Sustainability On Campus
Overall Goal: To keep Arizona environmentally friendly, be an advocate for promoting sustainability on campus. Programs I will work on if elected to be an ASUA Senator
-Work on increasing recycling venues at the U of A
-ASUA should work with recyclemania, which is a national initiative where whoever (colleges) does the best at recycling wins. Recent program on campus.
-More recycling disposals on campus.
-Creating a sustainability website to discuss sustainability ideas and initiatives and our own. On this, there would be a calendar of events, how to be effectively sustainable and projects other students are working on throughout campus.
If you have any questions about my platform or just want to chat, please email me at
aelyacha@email.arizona.edu and join the facebook group “Aaron Elyachar for ASUA Senate”.