Eric Hudson
Eric Hudson
Hello Everyone!
My name is Eric Hudson, and I am a sophomore Pre-Pharmacy student from the beautiful city of Portland, Oregon. I am a member of the Honors College, and also a member of Pi Kappa Phi. I am striving to be one of your elected senators because I feel it is my time to step up, and make a change at this university, and ASUA is the perfect means to bring my ideas to fruition.
One of my goals is to ease the transition from high school to college, and for everyone to have a greater experience here in Arizona. I’ve been going here for a year and a half, and I’ve only just started to see what this state has to offer. One of the ways I would like to do this is to set up a student feedback system recommending places to eat, camp, hike, rockclimb, golf, or whatever; all written and provided by our peers here at the UA.
Security is another matter I would like to address. A few of my friends have had their laptop computers stolen in the past semester, and another was left with only the front tire of his bike. Ideally, I would like to set up an option for an affordable laptop lock available to students (bursar preferred of course) that is similar to the U-lock program. I would also like to educate/spread awareness on how to properly lock your bike, so students could be left with more than their front tire at the very least.
The last issue I would like to tackle involves academics. Last semester my roommate showed me a way to track all of my grades through an excel spreadsheet. It was relatively simple, and I would like to work with a programmer to implement a calculator similar to it onto d2l. This would allow students to see if the next letter grade is even possible to attain, and allocate their precious time studying towards other borderline classes. This simple program helped me out tremendously last semester, and I would like to share it with everyone else in hopes to benefit them.