James Brooks
James Brooks
James Brooks is a freshman and pre-business major. He is currently a Freshman Class Council member, and has actively participated in UA Votes and AZ PIRG as a group coordinator and volunteer. As an ASUA senator James plans to raise awareness of ASUA, increase involvement in on campus events and clubs, and face our current issue of expensive textbook prices.
He plans to work with other senators to raise the awareness of the student body about the functioning of ASUA, and involving others in the processes that occur between the student government and the university. He will do this by helping create an ASUA internship for all University of Arizona students. This will get more people involved with ASUA and create more interest in student government.
Since participating in clubs and activities are a key to enjoying college and are great for putting on resumes which help gain future jobs, they are a major focus of James’ campaign. A lot of students are not present for the first few meetings of a club, when they are reaching out to new members; missing out on the chance to join a club from the beginning. He plans to hold large events on the mall, and in meeting rooms to raise club and activity awareness. This will help students who are too overwhelmed to take the first step, and get them to participate in all of the wonderful activities that the University of Arizona has to offer.
James’ main goal is to work on alternative ways to manage textbook prices, by educating students and teachers on different alternatives they have. He plans to push for teachers to choose textbooks that they can use for multiple semesters, so that students can rent books instead of having to purchase something they are only going to sell back. This helps decrease the cost of textbooks for students, while reducing the amount of books teachers purchase for new editions with minor changes.
He looks forward to providing all he has to offer to his fellow Wildcats, and would like them to support his decision with their vote.
Feel free to e-mail him with any questions or concerns at: Jebrooks@email.arizona.edu, and please remember, Vote James Brooks for ASUA Senate!