Jason Bral
Jason Bral
Hello, my name is Jason Bral and I am running for ASUA senate. I am a Business
Management major with a minor in Global Business. I am also a sophomore. I am a
member of AEPi and was a former president of Kaibab Huachucah. I am also an
active member of the Entrepreneurship Student Association, the Finance club,
and the Investment Club. My dream job is to be a food critic.
My platform is
1. Make a bike program where students can rent/pick up a bike from designated
places on campus, and then allowing them to drop off the bike when they are
done. This will reduce the thefts that students have been experiencing, and it
will allow students to not have to spend money on a bike when they can rent run
for a very cheap price. This program will be modeled off the program in
Paris/Washington D.C.
2. My other idea is to start a website where students can see the effects of the
budget cuts and the university transformation. The website will clearly outline
all the effects of the budget cuts and what programs will be cut. This will
allow students see what programs are being cut and what effects this will have
on your life.
If your interested in my platform, or are interested in my campaign in any way
please join my Facebook group "Jason Bral for ASUA Senate" at,