Ryan Ruiz
Ryan Ruiz
Hi. My name is Ryan Ruiz and I am running to be one of your new ASUA Senators. I am a third year student here at the U of A studying Agro-Business. I am a member of Greek Life, My main goal is to reach out to the entire student body so that more voices are heard and you see the results that you want. Here are some issues that are important on campus that I would like to focus on:
1) Did you know that every other PAC-10 school has a paid director for the Women’s Resource Center? Arizona is the only school with a WRC run only by students. Although they do a great job, they graduate and must train new leaders to take their positions, leaving them without any guidance. Providing a paid director would provide a smooth transition from year to year making a great impact for the organization.
2) I want to further educate the campus on issues surrounding social justice that affect fellow students and our community. I will continue supporting programs and organizations that ASUA and CSIL have such as A-Town and Pride Alliance. None of these programs and organizations can continue unless they are adequately funded. Therefore, my initial step will be to ensure that they have appropriate funding.
3) Checks & Balances: It is important that ASUA has a diverse group of people leading the student body. Our campus has almost 40,000 students that are represented by 10 senators, meaning that each senator is essentially representing 4,000 students each. As your senator, I will be out in the campus community speaking to fellow students, hearing their needs and desires for change. Students should feel that their senators are approachable and I want my peers to feel comfortable talking to my fellow senators and myself. I will be continually re-evaluating and reflecting on my progress in completing the tasks in which I embark upon because I want to ensure that we are all living up to the expectations that we have for ourselves, one another, and that you have of us.
I want to start representing you now so if you have any thoughts, ideas, or issues that you would like to voice, please do not hesitate. E-mail me at ruiz4senate@gmail.com and you will get a response by the next day.
Thank you in advance for all of your support. BEAR DOWN!!!